Clair Forlani

Clair Forlani

What must we think of houses, rivers, mountains, trees, stones; nay, even of our own bodies? This the materialists themselves acknowledge. This and the like may be urged in opposition to our tenets. It cannot be denied that words are of excellent use, in that by their means all that stock of knowledge which has been purchased by the joint labours of inquisitive men in all ages and nations may be drawn into the view and made the possession of one single person. It is natural to think that at first, men, for ease of memory and help of computation, made use of counters, or in writing of single strokes, points, or the like, each whereof was made to signify an unit, i.e., some one thing of whatever kind they had occasion to reckon. Using NetDetective you can find everything about Clair Forlani. For that only is thought so which is uncommon, or a thing by itself, and out of the ordinary course of our observation. Thirdly, it will be objected that we see things actually without or at distance from us, and which consequently do not exist in the mind; it being absurd that those things which are seen at the distance of several miles should be as near to us as our own thoughts. After what has been premised, I think we may lay down the following conclusions. These latter are said to have more reality in them than the former:- by which is meant that they are more affecting, orderly, and distinct, and that they are not fictions of the mind perceiving them. Clair Forlani you can find here. If they are, then they are ideas and we have gained our point; but if you say they are not, I appeal to any one whether it be sense to assert a colour is like something which is invisible; hard or soft, like something which is intangible; and so of the rest. Whether others mean anything by the term reality different from what I do, I entreat them to look into their own thoughts and see. A man may well understand natural signs without knowing their analogy, or being able to say by what rule a thing is so or so. Whereas, in truth, there is no such thing as one precise and definite signification annexed to any general name, they all signifying indifferently a great number of particular ideas. It is thought strangely absurd that upon closing my eyelids all the visible objects around me should be reduced to nothing; and yet is not this what philosophers commonly acknowledge, when they agree on all hands that light and colours, which alone are the proper and immediate objects of sight, are mere sensations that exist no longer than they are perceived? They are the best of them tied up within those narrow bounds, and have not (as I think) the faculty to enlarge them by any kind of abstraction. Clair Forlani information. To make out this, it is necessary that you conceive them existing unconceived or unthought of, which is a manifest repugnancy. Thus, the same extension is one, or three, or thirty-six, according as the mind considers it with reference to a yard, a foot, or an inch. It is worth while to reflect a little on the motives which induced men to suppose the existence of material substance; that so having observed the gradual ceasing and expiration of those motives or reasons, we may proportionably withdraw the assent that was grounded on them. The several absurdities and contradictions which flowed from this false principle might, one would think, have been esteemed so many demonstrations against it. Say you, I have no idea of Matter and therefore cannot explain it. From which it follows that men who use language are able to abstract or generalize their ideas. Smelling furnishes me with odours; the palate with tastes; and hearing conveys sounds to the mind in all their variety of tone and composition. All their monstrous systems have so visible and necessary a dependence on it that, when this corner-stone is once removed, the whole fabric cannot choose but fall to the ground, insomuch that it is no longer worth while to bestow a particular consideration on the absurdities of every wretched sect of Atheists.

Clair Forlani

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